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Collaborative work on novel gene therapy for multiple sclerosis

Apr 5, 2023

Delivery of Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc, a therapeutic fusion protein has been successfully applied as a treatment in animal models of spinal cord injury, as a novel gene therapy for multiple sclerosis

Nogo receptor 1 is the high affinity receptor for the potent myelin-associated inhibitory factors that make up part of the inflammatory extracellular milieu during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Signaling through the Nogo receptor 1 complex has been shown to be associated with axonal degeneration in an animal model of multiple sclerosis and neuronal deletion of this receptor homologue, in a disease specific manner, is associated with preserving axons even in the context of neuroinflammation. The local delivery of Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc, a therapeutic fusion protein has been successfully applied as a treatment in animal models of spinal cord injury and glaucoma. As multiple sclerosis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis exhibit large numbers of inflammatory cell infiltrates within the CNS lesions, we utilized transplantable hematopoietic stem cells as a cellular delivery method of the Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc fusion protein. We identified that CNS-infiltrating macrophages as the predominant immune-positive cell type that overexpressed myc-tagged Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc fusion protein at the peak stage of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. These differentiated phagocytes were predominant during the extensive demyelination and axonal damage, which are associated with the engulfment of the protein complex of Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc binding to myelin ligands. Importantly, mice transplanted with hematopoietic stem cells transduced with the lentiviral vector carrying Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc, recovered from the peak of neurological decline during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, exhibiting axonal regeneration and eventual remyelination in the white matter tracts. There were no immunomodulatory effects of the transplanted, genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells on immune cell lineages of recipient female mice induced with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. We propose that cellular delivery of Nogo receptor(1-310)-Fc fusion protein through genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells, can modulate multifocal experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis lesions and potentiate neurological recovery.


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